Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

How to Check Engine Code on a 2000 Toyota Corolla

How to Check Engine Code on a 2000 Toyota Corolla

How to Check Engine Code on a 2000 Toyota Corollathumbnail
What's wrong with your car? The OBD-II code can tell you

All cars and trucks sold in the U.S. since the 1980s have an on-board diagnostic (OBD) computer. This device monitors an array of sensors throughout the engine, many within the emission-control and electronic fuel-injection systems. If a sensor reading falls outside its normal range, the OBD illuminates the warning light on the instrument panel most people call the check-engine light. On a 2000 Toyota Corolla or any other vehicle built after 1995, troubleshooting the cause of a check-engine warning is a matter of reading the OBD-II diagnostic code stored in the computer



things you'll need:

  • OBD-II code reader
  • OBD-II code cross-reference
    • 1

      Read the OBD (on-board diagnostic) trouble code from the diagnostic computer. Code readers are inexpensive and widely available. Many auto-parts stores will read a customer's code for free, in hopes of then selling the necessary repair parts.

    • 2
      Code cross-reference charts an be found in books or on the Internet dictionary definition - business image by Chad McDermott from

      Cross-reference the code with a chart of OBD-II trouble codes to determine which sensor reading is out of range. OBD-II codes are standardized across all vehicles. A code is a four-digit number preceded by a letter, for example P0420, which indicates a malfunctioning catalytic converter.

    • 3

      Research causes of codes on the internet or at the library. There are many online references that will explain the trouble codes, or you can enter the model and code into a search engine, for example "P0171 Toyota Corolla." Codes that begin with the letter P are related to the power train, those with a B indicate problems in the vehicle, and a C code refers to the chassis.

Tips & Warnings

  • Before buying your own code reader, check the packaging to be certain it will interface with your vehicle. There are at least three different and incompatible plug types

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